Monday 28 November 2011

People defy EU demands

A Guy in the bar said....Looks like long memories in Greece,as the people defy German led EU demands
on their economy.Latest is a big increase in property tax,attached to the electric bill, Electric.
Mainly the old and poor suffer here,Greek winters can be cold.
However,Vive le Resistance !....Bands of electricians have been formed to reconnect the old and needy.
Union activists have occupied the electricity billing offices,preventing bills going out.
Some councils have offered civic lawyers to defend non payers.
This begs the question..Are any of the actual people in Europe happy with the set up ?
The Daily Express in the UK has already had a massive response to questions aimed at renegotiating
the UK's membership,(if not leaving),but definitely a reduction in EU interference in the running of our country.

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