Thursday 10 November 2011

Eurozone On The Brink ?

A Guy in the bar said....Who on earth took the decision to link North and Southern Europe in to a single currency ?
Putting the industrial might of Germany in bed with the almost peasant economies of Greece,and southern Spain
and Italy.Smart thinking!
In the south of Italy the tax collectors are the Mafia.This is the way they live.
As stand alone economies,they took their chances,gave us cheap holidays,and everyone was happy.
Now,thanks to the Euro,unbelieveable amounts of money are required to attempt to maintain this ridiculous situation.
Why do politicians lack common sense ?
Do these empire builders think a change of Prime Minister will solve anything ?The people have a way of life
that the Eurocrats do not like,there fore it will be changed.Perhaps the people of southern Europe are still to have their say.
A trading partnership is one thing,being under Euro economy rule is a step too far.Even Bulgaria has taken a step back,seeing the writing on the wall.

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