Tuesday, 13 December 2011

EU makes little progress

A guy in the bar said .....The EU made little progress in last weeks meeting.The main result,headlined as the end of the world in the UK's leftie press,was to lose Britains backing for the "treaty" aimed at giving Brussels full economic and budgetary control.
Personally , I would not let them control our cat.
One guy,politician I think,said the patient,the euro, is dying,needs an operation,and the European leaders are discussing building a hospital.A hospital that will need a referendum in some countries,and that most of the European people do'nt want.
Labour had little to say in Parliament,except that they thought the prime minister was wrong to disagree with their undeclared,unknown  policy on this matter (?).
Oh,and the secong biggest contributor to the EU,the UK,was now sidelined(?),

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Cameron does a Churchill

A guy in the bar said...The BBC,Labour and Nick Clegg call David for standing up to European Dictators.
He did not scupper the Euro..he held out against German dictates as to how we run our country.
If saving the Euro means having the non elected overpaid Eurocrats run this country...they can stuff the euro...
At last we have a PM who is in touch with popular thoughts on this issue.

Monday, 28 November 2011

People defy EU demands

A Guy in the bar said....Looks like long memories in Greece,as the people defy German led EU demands
on their economy.Latest is a big increase in property tax,attached to the electric bill,.....no pay..no Electric.
Mainly the old and poor suffer here,Greek winters can be cold.
However,Vive le Resistance !....Bands of electricians have been formed to reconnect the old and needy.
Union activists have occupied the electricity billing offices,preventing bills going out.
Some councils have offered civic lawyers to defend non payers.
This begs the question..Are any of the actual people in Europe happy with the set up ?
The Daily Express in the UK has already had a massive response to questions aimed at renegotiating
the UK's membership,(if not leaving),but definitely a reduction in EU interference in the running of our country.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Who is Bernie Ecclestone ?

A Guy in the bar said..Who is Bernie Ecclestone ?..Is he a racing driver.?..He seems to hold some sway in a rather boring sport,and make a lot of money from deciding where races take place.He seems to hold some grudge against the USA,but their Indeanapolis  style racing and NASCAR seems more attractive over there.
Personally,I like race cars to look like cars.Which makes me wonder why Ferrari don't chuck this Formula 1 stuff in and go for Le Mans type racing in a big way.
The US NASCAR series also has cars that look like cars,probably why US car race fans follow it so avidly.
No,afraid Bernie Ecclestone and Formula1 are a bit like Tony Blair and the Euro,in that they are not really attractive.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

A Good Night for England Sport

A guy in the Bar said...Yes,the Rugby league team beat New Zealand,the Four Nations cup holders,and now meet Australia in the final.Tomlinson  getting himself back in with the Rugby crowd,but his skills under the high ball are still a little shaky.
Most surprising,the 11 millionaires we call a soccer team managed a 1-0 win over Spain.Nice of them to turn up in a decent frame of mind,for a change.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Pay,and pay again,Pierre.

The guy in the bar said...Have I got this right ? The French bankers bought Millions of Italian Bonds,in their wisdom,now worth very little,and the French guy,in the bar,now has to suffer in the wallet.Vat going up,Taxes
raised retirement age,as in Italy,all through these bonus laden bankers ?
Not quite right...

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Eurozone On The Brink ?

A Guy in the bar said....Who on earth took the decision to link North and Southern Europe in to a single currency ?
Putting the industrial might of Germany in bed with the almost peasant economies of Greece,and southern Spain
and Italy.Smart thinking!
In the south of Italy the tax collectors are the Mafia.This is the way they live.
As stand alone economies,they took their chances,gave us cheap holidays,and everyone was happy.
Now,thanks to the Euro,unbelieveable amounts of money are required to attempt to maintain this ridiculous situation.
Why do politicians lack common sense ?
Do these empire builders think a change of Prime Minister will solve anything ?The people have a way of life
that the Eurocrats do not like,there fore it will be changed.Perhaps the people of southern Europe are still to have their say.
A trading partnership is one thing,being under Euro economy rule is a step too far.Even Bulgaria has taken a step back,seeing the writing on the wall.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Europe...Land of the free ..Ms Merkel?

A Guy in the Bar said....How long before German Tanks are in Italy,enforcing the Euro doctrine ? Dont Joke,
The Germans are so serious,and the French,as usual,follow the big guy.No one is listening to the man in the street,the guy in the bar...
We didnt see them in Afghanistan much,but when it comes to throwing their weight about in Europe
the Germans are tops.
About that money they took from the Greek banks in 1942/3...?
Any chance ?

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Twitter ?

A Guy in the bar said..have you been on Twitter ?..There are people on there who actually say they are Blairites... Never has the role of Ex prime minister been so debased....

David Cameron,choice time

A guy in the bar said..This is the time when a Tory Prime Minister can really move forward. The foreigners in our Green and pleasant land is a subject that needs to be addressed,the European Human rights is a joke too far,squatters are a joke,slapped wrists for murder..and the European gravy train..well,we like to trade with them,but we don't want them ruling us( as per about 70% of the population feel). How can government be so far out of touch with peoples feelings...? Unless ,of course,its based in Brussels .

Do we need Europe?

A guy in the bar said...No we don't..French and Germans,already laying the law down to Greece.National pride will finish that relationship.Greece had enough of German rule in World war 2,and they are still waiting for the $60,million,by the way that Germany had from Greek banks in 1942. They might be skint,but they are a proud Nation. The guilty guys in this whole crisis are the fools who let Italy and Greece in in the first place. Tax evasion has been a lifestyle in Southern Europe for generations. Who runs this Euro show for goodness sake...schoolkids ?