Saturday 1 November 2014

Excellent article by Daily Mail Columnist

A guy in the bar this....Often, I despair of David Cameron’s efforts to secure a Conservative victory in next May’s general election.
For example, he seems determined to ignore one golden opportunity — the sort Margaret Thatcher thrived on.
I refer to the chance he has to exploit widespread public fury over the European Commission’s demand that Britain pays another £1.7 billion to its bloated budget and the anger over the EU’s free movement of people laws which have encouraged mass immigration.
When Mr Cameron first promised an in/out referendum on Europe, he said it would be held in 2017. This was, he said, to allow time for a re-negotiation — but the date has another significance. 
According to his friends, he had identified it as just before the time when, if still Prime Minister, he would want to quit Downing Street and leave his successor to deal with the consequences of the referendum

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