Wednesday 6 February 2013

A guy in the bar said..

Does that toffee nose Clegg have any real idea what ordinary people want..?

Any politician should realise,the people in this,and every other bar in the country,and even people not in a bar,feel we should trade with our european neighbours,in a common market.

That we voted for years ago.

What we do not want is the money consuming European Parliament ruling us and our lives,deciding who we pay benefits to,who we can expel and sending us europes unemployed.While asking UK taxpayers to stump up billions for the privilege.

Very simple,yet beyond most Labour and Liberal senior politicians.and I suspect,some Tory ministers,too.

If only politicians could listen to people,and get down to earth feelings from the man in the street(or woman).

We used to have a justice and parliament that most of the world based theirs on.

Now the grandees of Brussels rule us,European courts override our legal system.

It needs firm leadership to steer the country back on track.

A real opportunity for a strong politician

Any applicants ?

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