Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Mixed views in the Bar on this one.
There is the end justifies the means lobby.

Then we have the Liberal..we are civilised countries in the West and must behave accordingly,stance.

On 9/11 there were some 3000 innocent people murdered,plus countless orphans,widows and widowers created

Call it knee jerk reaction,if it saved another killing spree,however small,there is some justification.

One can be too liberal,too civilised,when facing a primitive ideal.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Required...A Government that will govern

Required...A Government that will govern and take action on the wasting of taxpayers money..

Who approved this one ?
Council boss enjoyed £90,000 Porsche while 1,000 staff saw pay cuts .Laughable

As a Tax payer,I object..
Herman van Rompuy to get almost £600,000 for doing NOTHING ,compensation for outgoing EU chief to "ease" him back into working for a living.Laughable

I object to paying my licence fee ..
11 BBC chiefs are paid TWICE as much as £142,000-a-year David Cameron.Laughable