Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Guy in the Bar said..

I see Tony Blair has got an award in Poland for getting Polish people into British jobs,well,well.
What a good Labour PM he turned out to be..
If ever a guys motives needed questioning,here is a prime (!) example. One wonders what was behind every
decision he made,because very few seem to have been in the interest of his country.
There are names and places for politicians working in the interests of foreign powers....
Its about time this guy was brought to book.!

Sunday 13 January 2013

A Guy in the bar said...

Europe....lol...we all signed and voted for European free trade,not £100,000 a year failed politicians to rule us from Brussels,what is wrong with you guys ?
Anyone who thinks UK bankers,German Auto executives and Sicilian farmers are a good mix should have his head examined.
Its is so simple....

A Guy in the Bar said...

Headlines I would most like to read..
UK deports radical Cleric....Cameron says UK runs UK,not European Human rights Comittee.
European Parliament dissolved,recognised as total waste of money.
Eastern Europeans stripped of UK benefits rights.
Tony Blair to face examination of decisions as PM,were they aimed at influencing future earnings ?
All family benefits going out of UK halted.