Tuesday 13 December 2011

EU makes little progress

A guy in the bar said .....The EU made little progress in last weeks meeting.The main result,headlined as the end of the world in the UK's leftie press,was to lose Britains backing for the "treaty" aimed at giving Brussels full economic and budgetary control.
Personally , I would not let them control our cat.
One guy,politician I think,said the patient,the euro, is dying,needs an operation,and the European leaders are discussing building a hospital.A hospital that will need a referendum in some countries,and that most of the European people do'nt want.
Labour had little to say in Parliament,except that they thought the prime minister was wrong to disagree with their undeclared,unknown  policy on this matter (?).
Oh,and the secong biggest contributor to the EU,the UK,was now sidelined(?),

Sunday 11 December 2011

Cameron does a Churchill

A guy in the bar said...The BBC,Labour and Nick Clegg call David for standing up to European Dictators.
He did not scupper the Euro..he held out against German dictates as to how we run our country.
If saving the Euro means having the non elected overpaid Eurocrats run this country...they can stuff the euro...
At last we have a PM who is in touch with popular thoughts on this issue.